Product and Services

Market trends and dynamics

Upon assisting Taiwanese public listed companies in transforming their culture from CSR (corporate social responsibility) to ESG (environment, Social and Governance), we often come across with clients who are eager to learn more about latest market trends and news. 

JYG will continue to bring the latest market news and trends related to your industry to help you better diagnose the issues encountered. Topics we often cover include

- Latest news related to overall ESG issues 

- Low-carbon transitional risks and opportunities

- Novel technologies and applications 


We are an information provider which aims to provide you the precise and updated inforamtion that help your decision making and enhance your company value. Should you have any queries or questions related to ESG, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you! 

Comprehensive Market Research

ESG reporting is the last milestone in ESG strategy implementation. Through good reporting practices, companies can provide interested stakeholders and investors how well you perform in the future...
04 月
05 月