JYG Industry Salons/Seminars

09 月
JYG Consulting Joins the 2024 TAIPEIPLAS Exhibition

JYG Consulting provides services such as identifying material sustainability topics, supply chain surveys, and market strategies. We are authorized by international ESG standard organizations including GRI, SASB, TCFD, CDP, and GRESB to offer corporate sustainability strategy planning, corporate consulting and training, industry research, and brand development planning.

We offer leadership insights on managing various issues and help achieve strategic goals through the management and prioritization of materiality topics. Our services include:

  • PESTEL analysis, internal and external assessments, company/competitor SWOT analysis, and integration of material topics with financial analysis
  • Presentation of the company’s ESG efforts and achievements to various stakeholders
  • Assistance in formulating sustainable strategy goals for the company

For the materials industry, we have introduced the concept of green products, assisting in identifying how to move from compliance to value creation through the following aspects:

Product life cycle

  • Raw materials: Practices involving renewable or recycled materials
  • Process improvements: Use of renewable energy or enhancing energy efficiency
  • Products and services: Ensuring that the products themselves do not cause environmental pollution or burden the planet
  • Packaging materials: Use of renewable or recycled materials
  • Transportation: Using tankers/delivery vehicles powered by non-fossil fuels
  • Increasing user benefits when the product is in use
  • Chemical leasing or other innovative collaboration models
  • Application of principles such as circular economy or green chemistry

Sustainability is inseparable from products. By changing concepts, adjusting thinking, and exploring international markets, we can drive growth and innovation.