
05 月
日本打造 生質基碳氫化合物為原料的再生塑膠與化學品生產線

總部設在芬蘭的 Neste 納斯特 公司,是世界上最大的可再生柴油生產商。該公司最近與三井化學以及豐田通商集團共同合作,打造日本第ㄧ個工業生產級規模,使用100%生質基碳氫化合物為原料的再生塑膠與化學品生產線。三井化學使用Neste RE 取代傳統原料。

使用Neste 原RE 最大的特色是將能夠大幅減少生產過程當中的溫室氣體排放量,可供業界作為參考研究。

原文: Read more: https://bit.ly/2RoeFdf

Neste, Mitsui Chemicals Group and Toyota Tsusho Corporation join forces to enable Japan’s first industrial-scale production of renewable plastics and chemicals from 100% bio-based hydrocarbons. Mitsui Chemicals uses Neste RE to replace a part of the fossil feedstock at its crackers within Osaka Works during 2021.           

The use of Neste RE, will enable Mitsui Chemicals to produce plastics and chemicals with significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions over their life cycle when compared to products from fossil feedstock, such as petroleum naphtha. Thanks to the collaboration, brand owners and other customers in the Asian market, particularly in Japan, can start incorporating renewable plastics and chemicals into their products and offerings.